
We are currently looking for: an electric engineer, a qualified industrial technician an electrician, a welder, a thermos-technical engineer, a plumber, a welder, a knowledgeable warehouseman.

Passion and Professional Growth

Our market position, our competitiveness, business challenges and level of excellence greatly depend on the professionalism and commitment of our human resources. The constant and comprehensive improvement of our skills and training initiatives targeted for our employees are essential to maintain high quality levels and ensure the same excellence. Technical excellence and continuous innovation research are an added value for the stakeholders and are achieved by investing in the right people.

The three main values from which our company draws inspiration
Passion for Performance, Continuous Innovation, Safety and Training of People

Posizione Aperte

Per commesse di primaria importanza sul territorio (Campania – Puglia- Basilicata), cercasi neolaureati in ingegneria meccanica con diploma in elettrotecnica-elettromeccanica e diplomati  in elettrotecnica- elettromeccanica, da inserire nel proprio organico nell’ottica dell’accrescimento del business.

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Do you need our advice?

Our technical staff is available for all your requests in the Oil & Gas, Civil and Industrial or Renewable Energy sectors.

See our business profile.